Patricia Kopatchinskaja Concept, Direction and Violin
Markus Güdel Lighting design
Wieslaw Pipczynski Accordion
Beata Würsten, Sarah Würsten, Monika Würsten Voice
Patricia Kopatchinskaja Concept, Direction and Violin
Markus Güdel Lighting design
Wieslaw Pipczynski Accordion
Beata Würsten, Sarah Würsten, Monika Würsten Voice
Patricia Kopatchinskaja Concept, Direction and Violin
Markus Güdel Lighting design
Wieslaw Pipczynski Accordion
Beata Würsten, Sarah Würsten, Monika Würsten Voice
CAMERATA BERN went on tour to Japan following the last subscription concert on 3 Dec 2024. Together with Artistic Partner Patricia Kopatchinskaja, the ensemble performed a total of four concerts in Tokyo, Kyoto and Sainokuni, all of which were sold out. The ensemble also met students at Geidai Unive
Bringing together composers who, for the most part, were compelled to flee their homeland, @patriciakopatchinskaja’s upcoming album, ‘Exile’ with Thomas Kaufman …
12nach12 | Werkstatteinblick mit Rainer Schmidt
Do, 16. Jan 2025—12.12 Uhr
Bern, PROGR Aula (Eintritt frei)
Was sich hinter den Türen des Kunst- und Kultur-At …
On her upcoming album, ‘Exile’, @patriciakopatchinskaja is joined by cellist Thomas Kaufmann and her friends from @cameratabern for a programme which brings tog …
Rückblick Nr. 2
Wir bedanken uns bei dem zahlreichen und herzlichen Publikum in Tokyo, Kyoto und Sainokuni, bei Patricia Kopatchinskaja für die s …
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