Death maiden konzert

12nach12 Sneak Peek

This insight into our rehearsal work begins at 12:12 and lasts around 40 minutes.

Mon, 2 Dec 2024 12:12 Bern, Aula PROGR Patricia Kopatchinskaja
Direction and Violin


This is part of our programme «Berner Müntschi».

The new event series “12nach12” makes it possible to see and experience what takes place behind the doors of PROGR, the artistic centre and cultural hub in the heart of Bern.

Hosted by PROGR and the CAMERATA BERN, the rehearsal sneak peeks in the Aula begin at 12:12 and last about 40 minutes—perfect to combine with a lunch break.

CAMERATA BERN, with its rehearsal room and office based in PROGR, regularly participates in 12nach12. Through 12nach12, the ensemble invites you into the rehearsal period to share an excerpt of the current programme in an informal setting.

Ticket pricing

Admission free

Upcoming Concerts

1 Praeferenz ANRO DSCF3462 C copyright sightways be 1


Mon, 2 Dec 2024 12:12 Bern, Aula PROGR
Anthony Romaniuk
Direction, Piano and Harpsichord
1 Praeferenz ANRO DSCF3462 C copyright sightways be 1

Old. New. Borrowed. Blue.

Mon, 2 Dec 2024 12:12 Bern, Dampfzentrale
Anthony Romaniuk
Direction, Piano and Harpsichord

Bach, Scelsi, Brubeck and others

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