Camerata Bern092 2
Camerata Bern089
Camerata Bern087

Sonja Starke


Member since 2017


What is special about playing in CAMERATA BERN?
The friendship and respect within the ensemble and around it. The wonderful, versatile musicians and people, the possibilities that are provided to us through the support of so many friends of the ensemble. The subscription concerts, the freedom we have in creating programs, etc. It’s a dream for every musician. 

What is the biggest challenge in your job?
Pack the suitcase, don’t forget anything, leave on time… bring your music! Find a seat on the train. Get enough sleep, don’t forget to eat. Find the stage door.

 Describe the craziest audience member you have come across.
 An elderly man, cranky, serious critic, very distinguished. Never seemed to be happy about anything – and yet he came to every single concert and always sat in the first row, where he could not possibly have seen more than the musicians’ shoes. Unfortunately he is no longer living – we miss him.

About Sonja Starke

Sonja Starke has been a member of CAMERATA BERN since 2017. Before that she played in the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, where she already met several CAMERATA members on many trips throughout Europe, the USA and Japan. She has a strong connection to the WDR Symphony Orchestra in Cologne, where she has played as a guest 2nd concert master for many years. 

She grew up in Hannover and studied in Berlin, during which time she became a laureate of the International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition, among others, and spent a year in London focusing on historical performance practice. Her teachers include Atila Aydintan, Christoph Poppen and Antje Weithaas.

She plays a violin from Stefan Peter Greiner.

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